writeln('hello world!');

Servo is the one who considers itself most cleverly...

At copying clauses from our site, leave please a name of the author. The author will be rather grateful to you. Thanks!

Решение проблемы с квотами (sh: /usr/sbin/set

Вероятнее всего после установки DirectAdmin, вы забудите поставить quote, и получите вот такую вот ошибочку:

Error with system Quotas

sh: /usr/sbin/setquota: No such file or directory

Решить проблему проще простого, просто выполните следующие комманды:

yum install -y quota
/sbin/quotaoff -a; /sbin/quotacheck -avugm; /sbin/quotaon -a;

echo "action=tally&value=all" >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue

Надеюсь менеджер пакетов YUM у Вас установлен ;)

Котелов Валерий 2008-07-07 18:15:24

Dear readers!

Any distribution of materials taken from given site ACCEPTED! We and We shall be rather glad to development of users :) for a freedom of speech if you will leave the comment or will pass the link to clause to the friend.

If you wish to copy clause on the site or the block – please, we shall be rather grateful to you if you will leave a name of the author of clause.

Thanks, we hope for mutual understanding, success ;)



Дата сообщения: 2008-07-27 17:19:03
